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12 videos found.
  • 01:53
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  • by founder
    0 0 0 2946

    In this segment from the Netflix series "Fire Chasers," a CAL FIRE crew battles an out-of-control fire in Los Angeles that threatens to overtake a house and one of the firefighting engines. Thankfully, the crew manages to save a...
  • by founder
    0 0 0 2550
    NBC News’ Steve Patterson reports on the August complex fire, the largest fire in California’s history, as nearly half a million acres have burned while the fire is only 24 percent contained. » Subscribe to NBC N...
  • by founder
    0 0 0 2704
    The Glass Fire in Napa County and deadly Zogg Fire in Shasta County continue to burn in Northern California with no containment so far.
  • by founder
    0 0 0 2475
    What are wildfires and how do they start? Learn how we can prevent destructive wildfires, and how we can manage wildfires to improve the health of forests
  • by founder
    0 0 0 2556
    Tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes in Orange County as the Silverado Fire becomes the latest wildfire to ravage Southern California. Jonathan Vigliotti has the latest....
  • 0 0 0 3749
    Victims and injured. Of the 56 people who died in the fire, 54 were Bradford supporters and two were Lincoln. They included three who tried to escape through the toilets, 27 who were found by exit K and turnstiles 6 to 9 at the re...