Final Fantasy XIV Glamours
Final Fantasy XIV has an extensive glamour system that allows players to change the appearance of their armor. These glamours can be crafted or bought with FFXIV gil.
Gil is a main currency in the game and can be obtained from slaying enemies, selling items, and using other methods. It's used to buy everything from crafting materials to teleportation tickets.
Glamour Dresser
The Glamour Dresser is a new addition to inn rooms in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Essentially, it’s a place to store gear you don’t have room for in your inventory or Armoury Chest.
It also allows you to save whole glamour sets that can be applied at a later time without spending any more glamour prisms. This makes the process much more intuitive and a great way to keep a clear inventory. As with other glamour systems, some limitations apply. For example, you can’t glamour equipment that has a higher item level than what you’re wearing. Better click here or visit the website to find out more about F14 Gil.
However, if you dye your gear before converting it to a glamour, any colors that are applied will be carried over by the conversion. That’s a huge money-saving feature since expensive dyes can be used over and over again. The Glamour Dresser is a very useful tool that can be incredibly helpful for players looking to add some extra glamour to their gear. It’s a must-have for anyone wanting to get the most out of their Final Fantasy XIV experience.
Glamour Plates
The Glamour Plates are a very useful part of the glamour system, giving players the ability to create complete outfits of gear and apply them in one go. The plates are found in Inns across the major cities and are a great way to save space on your dresser while still looking stylish.
Using a plate is a simple process; you simply need to select an item from your inventory and cast the glamour on it. The glamour will remain on the item until it's dispelled or removed via a Glamour Dispeller (the latter can be purchased from vendors in city-states like Ul'dah, Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, Kugane, Ishgard)
Another way to use plates is to link them with gear sets; you can reapply the same plate to your set as soon as you change your gear to include new pieces. This is very handy if you're leveling and changing gear frequently, as it allows you to maintain your look throughout your progress.
Glamour Prisms
Glamour Prisms are a consumable item in FFXIV that can be used to transform your gear. They are a great way to create glamour outfits.
If you’re new to FFXIV, you might have heard about the glamour system and how it can transform your gear into something more stylish. This is called “transmog” in other games, and it’s a great way to get out of that awkward situation where you have a piece of equipment that looks pretty bad on you.
You can glamour items individually using the Cast Glamour skill, which costs one Glamour Prism per item. You can also place your gear into a Glamour Dresser, which can be found at inns in Gridania, Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Kugane, and Ishgard for 1 Glamour Prism.
You can also get Glamour Prisms through crafting. This is a much more expensive option, but it can be an efficient way to keep up with your supply. The easiest way to do this is by turning in dungeon loot for Company Seals, which can be exchanged for up to eight glamour prisms per Company Seal.
Glamour Outfits
One of the most fun parts about creating a character in Final Fantasy XIV is playing around with different styles and outfits. This is a great way to add some personality and individuality to your character.
In FFXIV, players can create their own glamour outfits by using Glamour Outfits. These outfits can be crafted or bought off the Market Board, and are an excellent way to change up your character's wardrobe.
Another popular style of outfit in FFXIV is the suit jacket. It looks cool and formal on both male and female characters, and is a versatile piece that can be paired with many different bottoms and shoes. This top can be crafted with a Weaver job or purchased off the Market Board for 30-100k Gil depending on the player's server. It can also be dyed to give it a different look, making it a flexible top that a player can use repeatedly.
February 7, 2023- -