Male enhancement pills have not been proven by research to improve sexual performance. Instead, erectile dysfunction medications can be a more effective alternative. Here’s a look at the best options.To get more news about vigrx plus review, you can visit official website.
If you’re seeking ways to increase your ***** size or libido, you may be interested in taking male enhancement pills. But while these products often advertise ***** enlargement and enhanced performance, there’s limited research supporting these claims.
A 2021 studyTrusted Source found that the average erect ***** is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches, or 12.95 and 13.97 centimeters. Typically, a ***** is only considered atypically small if it measures less than 3 inches when erect. This is known as a micropenis.
If you’re interested in finding the best male enhancement pills because you’re having difficulties having or maintaining an erection during a sexual encounter, you should speak with your primary care doctor or a urologist to determine if erectile dysfunction (ED) could be the reason. If you’re experiencing difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection, speak with a doctor about getting a prescription for an ED medication, such as Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.
These medications are proven to be effective in the treatment of ED. In an older but widely cited 2002 studyTrusted Source on the effectiveness of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra), 95 percent of participants reported it improved their ability to engage in sexual activity.
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