What’s the Latest on the New NFL Uniforms?
The 2020 NFL Draft begins exactly seven weeks from today. That’s notable because there are four teams — the Browns, Bucs, Falcons, and Rams — that are slated to unveil new uniforms sometime around the draft. There have been some new developments on that front in recent days, so I thought we’d spend today doing a team-by-team update.To get more news about make a custom nfl jersey, you can visit buyviagraonline24hours.com official website.
Browns beat writer Tom Withers said on Tuesday night that a source who’s seen the new unis told him, “They look like the Browns are supposed to look.” This is the latest of several indications that the team will be going with a traditional design. That’s pretty much been the assumption from the start (if they wanted something non-traditional, they would’ve stuck with the existing design).

Also, there was a report the other day that Browns wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was one of the models for a recent photo shoot for the new uniforms. Tea-leaf readers have taken this as a sign that the Browns plan to keep Beckham rather than trade him. But of course it also means that there are already photos of the new unis floating around out there. Can a leak be far behind?
Paul’s take: Ownership has been sending signals for over a year that this will be a back-to-basics move, so there isn’t a whole lot of suspense here. Still, I’m as eager as everyone else to see the Browns looking like the Browns again, so there’s still a bit of anticipation, even if there likely won’t be many surprises.The latest news: Rams beat writer Rich Hammond said on Tuesday that the Rams are planning a two-part unveiling, with the new colors and logo being revealed before the draft and the uniforms coming after the draft. Hammond in turn cited a Twitter account that has said the uni unveiling will be in early to mid-May.
Paul’s take: I’m surprised that the uniforms won’t be shown until after the draft. The Rams were originally supposed to get new uniforms last year (that got pushed back to this year because the opening of their new stadium was delayed), so you’d think they’d have everything ready to go. Hell, why not unveil right now? On the other hand, the Rams don’t currently have a first-round pick (although they could always trade up, of course), so for now they don’t have to worry about their top pick posing with a jersey he’ll never get to wear.
Not yet announced. But team owner Ed Glazer has said that there will be a true unveiling “event,” which is different from 2014, when they simply posted photos of the new uniforms on the internet without a live event.
The latest news: Head coach Bruce Arians said last week that he’s seen a sketch of the new uni set. “I think it’s more close to the Super Bowl uniforms.” That would be Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003, which would mean the Bucs are sticking with pewter and not going back to the creamsicles. It may also mean that the only Bucco Bruce in Tampa this fall will be Arians himself.
Paul’s take: As long as they get rid of the digital alarm clock numbers, which seems like a given, they can’t help but give themselves an upgrade. But I was hoping for a return to the creamsicles. Maybe the Color Rash design will be mono-orange?
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