The nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy Fe73,5Cu1Nb3Si15,5B7 is available on the market since several years now under the brand names of FINEMET, VITROPERM or NANOPERM.Initially, with a quite simple but revolutionary production technology a very thin is ribbon is produced from low cost raw materials like silicon and iron. The result is a new generation of material with extraordinary soft magnetic properties. For the first time ever, almost the high flux swing of silicon steel is combined with the even improved high frequency performance of ferrites, namely low losses and high permeability. Furthermore, the new alloy provides by far a better value for the money compared to epoch making Coamorphous alloys with similar properties, which were introduced into the market in the late 80s. Due to the high price and environmental considerations, Co-amorphous alloys are actually chosen only for special applications.Get more news about Nanocrystalline core,you can vist our website!
During the so-called ‘rapid solidification’ production process, a stream of molten metal at about 1.300°C is sprayed through a narrow ceramic nozzle directly onto a water-cooled,fast-rotating copper roller. At a speed of more than 100 km/h a continuous amorphous ribbon of only approx. 20 mm in thickness is obtained. In other words, more or less in a single step of production, such a thin ribbon can be obtained with a relatively compact machine and neither costly cold or hot rolling procedures are necessary. After toroids are wound from these ribbons, a specific annealing procedure under the presence of transversal and/or longitudinal magnetic field takes place. During that irreversible heat treatment, the amorphous structure obtained initially forms ultra-fine crystals with a typical grain size of only about 10 nm – this is why the material is called ‘nanocrystalline’. By precisely controlled variation of the annealing parameters the required properties (i.e.shape of hysteresis-loop or permeability level) can be adjusted in a wide range.
The actual trend in Power Electronics is towards higher frequencies and smaller size or increased power density. As a result of the above-mentioned factors, a growing range of applications in power electronics was realized in the recent years and generated a growing demand, which is continuously expanding. Diversified chokes and transformers are utilized for:
Nanocrystalline and amorphous cores are made from metallic alloys developed with high technology, granting a particular set of characteristics for these materials. The differential is in it´s alloy amorphous microstructure, a microstructure similar to glass, which is obtained with the use of the melt-spinning technique. By the end of the production process, the amorphous cores remain with a metallic-glass structure, while the nanocrystalline cores obtain a refined structure of nanometric magnetic grains scattered in an amorphous metallic matrix.
Magmattec is the only company of Latin America to produce this type of soft magnetic cores.
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