Snow and Ice Removal Plan

Hosted By Pedro Araez
Jul 27, 2018, 6:13 PM - Jul 31, 2021, 12:22 PM
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    Pedro Araez

When & Where


Basic Info
  • Created by Pedro Araez
  • Hosted by Pedro Araez
  • Created on July 27, 2018
  • Stats 4 Likes, 0 Comments, 5.1K Views, 0 Favourites
When & Where
Meta Info
  • The purpose of the snow and ice removal plan is to describe the locations and services provided to the community during and after snow events by the Georgetown – Scott County Parks and Recreation Department. The aim of the Snow and Ice Removal Plan is to return the department to normal operations as soon as feasible within the limitations of our resources, weather conditions and the safety of our staff. Please keep in mind that flexibility is needed to adapt to the variety of circumstances and conditions during a snow or ice storm and changes to this plan may be made without notice.

    The primary function of the Snow and Ice Removal Plan is to organize snow and ice response efforts so that safest possible access to parks and recreation facilities are available during and after a snowstorm. The plan identifies the priorities in which facilities are cleared. Facilities are prioritized by citizen usage. The plan is designed to direct cost-effective snow and ice removal efforts during periods of inclement weather.

    Plan Considerations:

    In developing this plan, many factors were considered including, but not limited to the following:

    Public and staff safety

    The funds available for such events

    The availability of personnel

    The ability to maintain a safe environment both inside and outside of the facilities

    Environment impacts

    Protection of city and personal property

    Effective allocation of resources

    Deployment Guidelines:

    The decision to deploy snow operations is based on weather conditions, air and ground temperatures, accumulation and the potential for additional accumulation. The department’s deployment decisions include:

    Detection: The forecast of an anticipated snow event; weather conditions are monitored by following local, regional, and other weather service providers. In addition, managers and staff observe weather locally.

    Snow Teams: Snow Team 1 is made up of Parks and Recreation Facilities Maintenance employees and lead by the Facility Maintenance Manager or their appointee. This team will focus on indoor facilities such as the Pavilion. Snow Team 2 is made up of Parks Maintenance employees and lead by the Parks Maintenance Manager or their appointee. This team will focus on outdoor Park facilities. Each team will work in their appointed area or may be called to work as a unit depending upon the circumstances. The decision to activate the teams to work as one unit will be made by the Parks and Recreation Department Director.

    Monitor: Once accumulation occurs, parks and recreation maintenance employees are informed by the manager(s) that snow operations will begin and to report for duty.

    Deployment Decision: The manager(s) assigned to the snow event is responsible for the deployment of snow teams in their area of operations.
Other Info