Follow-up Coronavirus – the Human Cost
The Spanish Flu of 1918 is considered to be the deadliest virus of the 20th century, with an estimated 50 million deaths worldwide. Could COVID-19 become the deadliest pandemic of the 21st century? At time of writing, there are nearly 600,000 cases worldwide and 27,000 deaths. While this pandemic is far from over, let’s take a look at who is most affected by COVID-19 and which factors could be contributing to the rapidly rising death rate.
The Most Vulnerable
A big difference from the Spanish Flu pandemic is that this virus does not seem to affect the youngest population. As of today, there have been no reported fatalities in anyone under 9 years old and the death rate for people under the age of 40 is 0.2%. However, at 70 years old, the death rate jumps to 8% and at 80 years old, it climbs to 14.8%. The elderly are the highest affected group by COVID-19.
Essential Services Workers
Although the coronavirus is more dangerous to the elderly and immunocompromised, it is also taking a toll on the people we need most – healthcare and essential service workers. The high infection rate of this virus is proving to be challenging to contain even with the modern healthcare we have today. Because it spreads from person to person so quickly, hospitals are getting overwhelmed. This means healthcare workers are working longer hours with fewer breaks and higher stress levels. Due to the grueling hours and, in some cases, lack of proper protective equipment, they are more susceptible to the virus as well. Other frontline workers include hospital custodians, grocery store clerks and delivery drivers. Due to increased contact with various individuals, these people are at a higher risk than other healthy, younger people.
Overcrowded Hospitals
The more overwhelmed the healthcare system becomes with patients, the less equipment and staff there will be to take care of them. Currently, there is a global shortage of equipment such as ventilators, which means people who have a good chance at recovery under ordinary circumstances may die due to lack of resources. As the number of cases increases daily, healthcare systems are only going to become even more strained. Because of the lack of personal protective equipment, doctors and nurses are also falling ill, which makes them unable to work.
Men vs. women
COVID-19 seems to affect men much more than women. In Italy, 24 men died for every 10 women. A recent study of cases in 20 countries determined that men are 50% more likely to die than women. This may be in part due to gendered behaviors such as drinking alcohol and smoking – both of which are much more prevalent among the male population worldwide. According to a Harvard study, men are more likely to engage in unhealthy habits than women.
Understanding who is at risk and how can help us not only protect those most vulnerable, but also reflect on how our daily habits are affecting those who cannot stay safe at home and isolate themselves. It can also help us understand which lifestyle choices may be increasing the mortality rate during this pandemic.
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