fildena pills is an erectile dysfunction medicine used to treat male erectile dysfunction. This medication does not increase penile size and works by inhibiting PDE5 in various body parts. Moreover, it helps men achieve an erection, which can last up to 4 hours. For best results, it should be taken regularly. The dosage should be taken at least one hour before sexual activity, and should not be skipped.
Fildena is available only in the United States and Canada. It is not recommended for use by children and women. In addition, it is not safe to drive or operate heavy machinery while taking it. The product should be stored at room temperature and away from moisture. It should also be kept out of the reach of children. It should be disposed of properly and discarded after its expiry date. Some alternative medicines that contain the active ingredient of Fildena include Silvitra and Extra Super P Force.
Although Fildena is generally safe to use, there are certain precautions you should take. If you suffer from a heart condition, consult with a medical professional before taking this medicine. A recent heart attack or a recent stroke could make it dangerous for you to use Fildena. If you are pregnant, discuss your concerns with your doctor before you start taking this medication. A few side effects may occur, but they will subside within a few hours.
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Fildena 50
fildena Double 200mg
Fildena 25
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